Sunday 31 October 2021

Mainline Testing of a Blue K | K183's Third Mainline Testing (Newport - ...

G'day all,
Well, after another lockdown we are back with a heritage video.
Today's video takes us between Newport and Sunshine, where locomotive K183 under went it's third mainline trial, with the assistance of S313, that was also under going some testing.
K183 has been under going restoration over the last 2 years, after she was retired from service in 2002 after an incident.
Anyways, seems like we might be resuming our weekly schedule earlier than anticipated, so till next time, catch you all later.

Thursday 28 October 2021

Opening the Victorian Railways J Class from Ixion Models | Part 2 - Runn...

Little bit later than planned, but here we are, part two of the Ixion J class unboxing. This time we head onto the layout!
With the uploading of this video as well, I'm finally done with exams for the week. It's been a tiring year...
Anyways, till next time.

Monday 25 October 2021

Opening the Victorian Railways J Class from Ixion Models | Part 1 - Unbo...

G'day everyone,
We're back! Today we return with an unboxing video, part 1 to be precise. 
Been a little while since we've had one, but here we go. Today we take a look at the recently released Ixion Model VR J Class. This part covers the opening part, and part two will be on on Thursday, which will cover the running.
Catch you all again soon.

Sunday 10 October 2021

Metro Trains at Paddington Rd Pedestrian Crossing, Hughesdale

G'day, we're back with another video, so here we go.
This time we are at a little location on the Pakenham and Cranbourne line. Located in the suburb of Hughesdale, a little pedestrian crossing allows people to get from on side of the railway to the other, something which is a little rare on this end of the line, as most would be overpasses or underpasses with the Skyrail.

Anyways, hope you guys enjoy, this wasn't fully the intended video for this week, however with a delay in receiving a package, this had to take it's place. Till next time, stay safe.