Sunday 1 May 2022

Red Rattler Shuttles in Dandenong | Steamrail/Elecrail - Tait Electric T...

Welcome everyone,
Back again, now back to our weekly schedule. Videos are now around a week behind their filming date, although videos will be shifted slightly next week.
This weeks video comes from the 23rd of April where we capture the Red Rattlers on their first mainline public trip between Pakenham and Dandenong. This video is setup a little differently, where first half is our standard lineside and stations passing shots and the second half is now moments from the ride from Dandenong to Newport. Just trying out this style to see how people find it, and if we should continue like this in future. There will be a dedicated ride video uploaded in the future when scheduling permits where you can sit back and enjoy the full journey of sounds of the Red Rattler travelling up the skyrail.
In any case, hope everyone has been well, I'll catch you all next week.

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