Sunday 20 August 2023

Steam & Sail Sprint to Geelong | Steamrail - Rail & Sail - August 2023 |...

We are back for another week.
This time we follow our flexible uploaded regime, uploading the video nicely within 24 hours of the end of the tour. Anyways, the past weekend saw Steamrail operate their Rail & Sail again, where we take the opportunity to capture K140 soloing the sprint our West. The Sail portion of the trip was the same as the last few, however this time they did make a stopover in Portalington.
We had a last minute change of recording locations from Little River to Geelong after a delay caused by operational requirements meant they would follow the next service to Geelong rather than be in front of it. Anyways, making the most of the Victorian heritage tours now while I can, some rather large changes are in the works that may make videos like these more difficult into the new year.
Cheers all, catch you all next week. 

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