Sunday 17 July 2022

Double Rs to the Snow | Steamrail - Snow Train 2022 - Train One | R711 &...

Well, we are back for the weekly schedule.
Today's video, probs should have been obvious, but captures the first Snow Train to be operated by Steamrail Victoria for 2022, making their return after being cancelled for the last two years.
We begin our video from Armadale, then following along all the way to Traralgon.
It's great to capture the double Hudson R classes again, as this is their first tour together this year since R711 has been having some repairs during the earlier part of the year.
This video attempts a majority of locations that we haven't attempted before, that will be contrasted from our next video to cover the Snow Train.
Anyways, until next week, stay safe, stay well and have a good week.

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