Sunday 10 July 2022

VR Steam & V/Line Diesel Pace to Bendigo | 707 Operations - The Gracelan...

Back again for another weekly video.
A little late today, because well, I couldn't wake up, after all it is the last week of break, so maximizing my sleep time while I can.
In any case, as expected this week's video is from the latest mainline tour. Rather weirdly it's been around 6 months since we have uploaded a video covering a 707 Operations tour, but to be honest, their weekenders haven't been that interesting to cover, and we do actually have one of their tours in the backlog, but there just hasn't been the time to upload. Hopefully we will get a chance soon with the decrease of tours over the next few months.
Anyways, today we follow the Gracelander special, a tour to take passengers to the Granceland exhibition in Bendigo, and for those who are uninterested about Elvis Presley, could take the alternative of Maldon. This tour featured recently repainted A66 in V/Line's heritage Tangerine livery.
Another long video again, which seems to be the trend with most of these heritage videos now.
Anyhow, one last extra's video due at the end of this week. Finally one which isn't a heritage video, although, viewers should know what it is, seeing we attempt to upload one every 6 months.
So till next time, catch you down the line.

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