Thursday 7 July 2022

The Train of Lights Through the Dandenongs | Puffing Billy - Train of Li...

Time for another extra video aye.
Today we have our first of eventually two videos to cover the Puffing Billy Train of Light specials that have ran during the Victorian winter school holidays. This video covers my first attempt of capturing the service on Thursday the 30th of June, accompanied by fellow railfans SonicbusterX2000 and Pannier. Being the first attempt, we were try a few things out to some success and failures. The train itself is a rather spectacle to see steaming through the Dandenongs through the night being hauled by the newest the be restored, NGG16 129. 
The second video coverage will be uploaded at a later date when a slot becomes available, with preference within the next 6 months rather than later.

If you anyone is in the area, they are still running the service until the 10th of July, so if you get a chance, head up for a quick look. Tickets sold out rather quickly, but it's still a sight to see.

Anyways, thanks again, until next time, catch you all down the line.

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