Sunday 3 July 2022

Suburban Parallel Run | Steamrail - Welcome Back Red Rattlers | Taits an...

G'day Everyone,
We are back for our weekly video.
Today we have a video that was only filmed yesterday, Steamrail Victoria's Welcome Back Red Rattlers tour, featuring a mainline parallel run between the Tait and a steam train.
Unlike most of our heritage videos, this video is half a ride and chase video. The first part of the video captures the ride from from trailing unit of the Tait paralleling from North Melbourne Station and Box Hill. After getting off the train at Lilydale we proceed the video like the rest of our heritage videos.
The component of the parallel section is between Camberwell and Canterbury. A full length of the ride portion has been recorded and will be uploaded at some point in the future when scheduling allows.
Very interesting day overall, and congrats to Steamrail for begin able to pull this whole event off.

Enjoy the main video. Still have our extra due at the end of the week. This is the second last extra, then we resume our weekly schedule.

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